Day shelters are drop-in centers for the homeless, offering opportunities for information, counseling and referral to social services agencies. Day shelters also often provide showers and toilet facilities, personal hygiene supplies and laundry facilities, tenant advocacy and sometimes, light medical treatment. Typical supplies may consist of laundry soap, razors, shampoo, soap, socks, deodorant, tooth brushes and tooth paste.
Childcare Rent Assistance Day Shelters Mental Health Substance Abuse Counseling Utility Assistance Education Employment
02 9219 200002 9219 2000
Mission Australia is a national Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians m...
1300 029 2021300 029 202
Vision The vision of the Haymarket Foundation is “To create a better future for Sydney’s homeless...
Emergency Shelters Meals Clothing Substance Abuse Childcare Employment Legal Assistance Spiritual Rent Assistance Utility Assistance Counseling Physical Health Domestic Violence Day Shelters Education
The Salvation Army provides crisis accommodation and support services to vulnerable Youth; single...
Women's Shelters Mental Health Domestic Violence Substance Abuse Legal Assistance Counseling Day Shelters Clothing Meals Childcare
Lou’s Place is the only daytime refuge for women in Sydney. We’re a unique, community-based...
Meals Mental Health Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Transportation Legal Assistance Counseling Education Day Shelters Childcare Youth Shelters Overnight Shelters Rent Assistance
(02) 9891 2277(02) 9891 2277
Parramatta Mission provides meals, accommodation and mental health services across Greater Wester...