When income dries up, people often fall behind on paying their utilities, including water, gas, electric and other bills. Utility assistance programs offer monetary assistance designed to help low-income individuals and families with getting caught up on utility payments. These organizations may provide financial assistance and grants for people who received shut off notices from their gas or utility companies. Funds for utility assistance may be limited, so contact these services if you’re struggling.
Childcare Rent Assistance Day Shelters Mental Health Substance Abuse Counseling Utility Assistance Education Employment
02 9219 200002 9219 2000
Mission Australia is a national Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians m...
Emergency Shelters Meals Clothing Substance Abuse Childcare Employment Legal Assistance Spiritual Rent Assistance Utility Assistance Counseling Physical Health Domestic Violence Day Shelters Education
The Salvation Army provides crisis accommodation and support services to vulnerable Youth; single...
Recognised as a leading frontline charity, The Exodus Foundation meets the needs of Sydney’s poor...
Youth Shelters Meals Utility Assistance Emergency Shelters Education Rent Assistance Employment Clothing Overnight Shelters
We exist to help vulnerable young people have the opportunities, skills, and support they need to...
(02) 4731 3275(02) 4731 3275
From the earliest days of ‘Distress Call’ and ‘Penrith Care’, before inco...